There are other ways for volunteers to get involved with the work of Kingdom Way Trust.
As a Christian organisation we believe in the importance of prayer in all we do. We appreciate prayer for the projects, staff and those we seek to support. We have a regular prayer meeting in Eastbourne on the third Thursday morning of every month. For more information please contact us.
We believe the local Church has a tremendous amount to offer to vulnerable people such as those we meet through our projects. The ability to show care and love, to walk alongside people for the longer term, to provide stability and a place of welcome, are all things that statutory bodies and other agencies struggle to do. The local Church, a community of praying and caring people, is key to the success of our projects. And so we encourage you, if you lead or are an active member of a Church in Eastbourne, to get in touch with us. We’d love to hear more about you and share more about what we do with you. Contact us today.