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The Winter Night Shelter offered temporary, emergency respite for the homeless community but there was a need to consider a longer term response.

It could be seen that some guests would like to break the spiral of brokenness in their lives. After much consultation with others involved in similar projects, The Bridge was opened in 2014. It was our first house to provide supported living and a place for people to address barriers to a stable lifestyle and discover skills, attitudes and values that will give substance to their hope for a better future.




The residents at The Bridge come from a number of referral agencies. The project is designed for men who have already made significant progress in their desire to return to independent living but who need some support to achieve this. Residents are carefully screened and closely monitored.


We have a referral, application and interview process which means we will only accept residents who are committed to change and have the aim of living independent and interdependent lives and making a positive contribution to society.

Group Discussion
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Training / Education / Employment Programme

One aim of The Bridge is to enable and empower the marginalised in our community and give them a platform to get support and a chance to rebuild their lives. This includes supporting residents to find appropriate work, training, work experience or volunteering placements.

The project acts as a bridge to agencies such as the Job Centre, employers, volunteer and internship providers, colleges and other education and training providers.

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