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Jesus told his disciples “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

(Matthew 25:40)


To see those sleeping on the streets in Eastbourne find their way into a secure home.


Our previous Winter Night Shelter is now single room emergency accommodation where guests are provided support during the day to help them move towards more stable, longer-term housing.

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WNS vision
What we offer
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We have 10 furnished rooms in two shared houses. Guests will have their own room but will share other facilities in the house. Rooms will be offered for a period of up to 3 months to both male and female, over 18s only.


Guests will be expected to work with a dedicated support worker during the daytime, with the aim of finding appropriate, longer-term housing. Support will also be provided by staff and volunteers to help with other issues.


Our aim is to provide a safe and supportive environment in a place where everyone will be treated with care and respect. No alcohol or drugs are allowed on the premises. Anti-social behaviour or any type of abuse towards other guests, volunteers or staff will not be tolerated.


Unlike the Winter Night Shelter, which normally finished in March each year, this new emergency accommodation will run throughout the year. However, the maximum stay is 3 months. Due to the nature of the project, any guests not engaging with the support being offered will be asked to leave sooner.

WNS Offer


People will primarily be referred via the Rough Sleeping Initiative team coordinated by the local council. Referrals can also be made via other local agencies. An assessment will be undertaken to confirm the suitability of a Night Shelter place for the individual. Priority will be given to those who are currently rough sleeping. When full, we will hold a waiting list.


If agencies would like to make referrals, please contact


We recommend that anyone rough sleeping should contact the council regarding accommodation by calling the Housing Needs Team 01323 410000


If you are concerned about someone who is rough sleeping you can report your concern to Streetlink via 


During the winter the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) will also operate. These are special measures to house verified rough sleepers when the wind chill temperature drops below 0 degrees. Partner agencies are notified when SWEP is activated.

WNS Apply
Get Involved

Please contact us if you have any questions about getting involved with supporting the homeless community in Eastbourne. There are some opportunities to get involved with volunteering at the Emergency Housing and there are many other opportunities to help out through our various other projects: The Weekend Drop-in and Hope Woodwork.

WNS involved
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